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Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq has sent his condolences to the family, Offa community, and the Nigerian Air Force on the death of retired Air Vice Marshal and former military Governor of Benue State Adebayo Lawal.

AVM Lawal, one of the finest first generation Air Force officers in Nigeria and a former Minister of Youths and Sports, died on Sunday at 83. He was from Offa.

The Governor said his death represents the end of a great era in Nigeria’s military history, especially the Nigerian Air Force, where he attained many milestones as a pioneer officer and a patriot.

His footprints in the Nigerian Air Force, his fine legacies as a community leader and statesman, and the ideals he lived for will help to preserve his memory, the Governor said.

Governor AbdulRazaq prays God to repose his soul and to preserve his family upon goodness.

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